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New Arctic Monkeys Album Review - Tranquility Base Hotel and Casino

So the new Arctic Monkeys album 'Tranquility Base Hotel and Casino' has finally arrived after having waited 5 years for them to release a new album. I've got to say I'm a little disappointed in it, not that I don't like it, it's just not at all what I was expecting from them; the space and technology theme was miles from what I though I'd be hearing. I expect it will grow on me the more I listen to it, that's what normally happens when I hear new music. I'd say the overall sound is a mixture of Alex Turners side project The Last Shadow Puppets' sound and Humbug era Arctic Monkeys - kind of cosmic, dark and moody sounding, with a few hints of AM throne in the background. I thought I'd go through each track on the album and leave a little note on how I feel about each song; I definitely have my favourites and my least favourites but I want to keep an open mind that I'll eventually fall in love with all of these tunes (especially since I'll be seeing them in September). This is Arctic Monkeys like I've never heard them before.

Star Treatment - A slightly disappointing opening track I must admit, on first listen of this nearly 6 minute track I was dreading hearing the other 10 tracks, but it did definitely pick up after this point.

One Point Perspective - This song is a close second favourite on the album; opening with some bouncy piano quickly followed by a kick drum, with accompanying electric guitar and bass at the chorus. It definitely gave me more hope for the rest of the record, with reassuring lyrics from Alex - "Bare with me, man, I lost my train of thought".

American Sports - This track takes a dark turn, with Alex almost narrating rather than singing about looking at earth from outer space. I like the chorus of this song, it sounds kind of familiar, it wouldn't feel out of place on AM with the strumming bass in the background

Tranquility Base Hotel & Casino - For a title track, I was expecting something a little more *wow* from them, but I think this is one of the strongest songs on the album. Alex croons all the way through this track, and by this point I've noticed some comical lines from Alex, such as "kiss me underneath the moons side boob" sung at the end of the second verse.

Golden Trunks - Definitely getting some 'Bohemian Rhapsody' vibes off of the echoed vocals on this track; and some intense guitar, as if there was a build up to a moment in a sci-fi movie. I'm not sure what to make of this track yet bit I think I like it.

Four of out Five - This track is my favourite track on the album. It starts with an ambitious and familiar instrumental, giving off some AM vibes, but quickly goes into a crooning Alex, with lyrics about a 'taqueria on the roof' and a catchy baseline. This track is definitely the highlight of the album.

The Worlds First Ever Monster Trunk Front Flip - This is a rather mellow, orchestral track, nothing really stands out to me here;it's just a repetitive beat and repetitive lyrics. It's not a bad track, but you would expect something more epic from a song titles 'The Worlds First Ever Monster Truck Front Flip'.

Science Fiction - A filler track if ever there was one, nothing about this stands out to me at all. This is probably the only track that I have avoided listening to multiple times because I feel absolutely nothing when I hear it.

She Looks Like Fun - 1,2,3,4... this song has some weird lyrics if ever there was one - 'Good morning Cheeseburger' is like no lyrics I've heard before. A nice track but by this point in the album I'm feeling a little bored as the past three track have just been album fillers to me.

Batphone - I kinda like this track, I'm not really sure what it is about it but it's catchy. I feel like the instruments are having a conflict; with both low and intense piano and some high twangs of a guitar, it sounds like a lot going on in one song but it totally works.

The Ultracheese - This song isn't too far from a traditional Arctic Monkeys ballad. A slow, piano based tune, but it's one of the best written track I've heard on the album; a nice ending to a roller coaster record I think, something familiar and reassuring after 40 minutes of being confused by what I was listening to.

Click here to check out Arctic Monkeys new music video for Tranquility Base Hotel and Casino's first single 'Four out of Five'.

Overall I'm not as thrilled as I hoped I'd be by this album, but it could have been much much worse. The more I listen to it the more I warm to it, I guess you just have to listen to it a few times to get it's full potential. I am not sure how I feel about the whole hotel on the moon, 70s, cosmic space theme but I'm just going with it. I feel like it was a good album to say goodbye to the AM era and hello to a fresh new sound for them, and I can't wait to see where they take the band after this album. Four starts out of five from me.

India X

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