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14 Things to Tick Off Your Halloween Bucketlist

I enjoy making a Halloween bucketlist every year, with things like carve a pumpkin and bake some Halloween treats, and making it a challenge to tick off as much as possible before spooky season comes to an end. I've written down 14 different activities that feel fitting for the month of October, and I want to try and complete as many of them as possible before Halloween day. I hope some of you start your own bucketlists this year and cross some things off them; leave me some comments with what you'd put on your spooky bucketlists, after you've read the blog post first of course.

Decorate your home for Halloween - This is a given really if you're celebrating Halloween. Stock up on little pumpkins, light a bunch of candles and drape lots of black things everywhere for a festive and spooky home.

Carve a pumpkin - A tradition with most people on Halloween now, but it's a weird tradition to scoop out the insides of a giant fruit and carve a silly face into it, still fun though. This year I am going to attempt to carve Pennywise the dancing clown into my pumpkin, wish me luck!

Make a Halloween DIY - Whether its for your kids or for yourself, Pinterest has a massive amounts of simple DIYs you can recreate. From cutting out black paper bats to creating a floral festive Halloween wreath, there are hundreds of DIY crafts for everyone to try.

Practice spooky Halloween makeup - You have to practice your Halloween makeup before the big day to make sure you have the best techniques, or maybe you just want to try out some different ideas. It's super fun to play around and experiment with different looks, products and ideas.

Watch Halloween movies - Having a spooky movie night is an absolute must have in October. My favourites include anything Tim Burton, Coraline, Jennifers Body, Zombieland, Hocus Pocus and The Rocky Horror Picture Show.

Visit a haunted house/scary maze - If you have a local Halloween attraction like a haunted house, hay ride or scary maze then you should definitely make the effort to get to it. I have a local attraction called Dreamland that turns into Screamland every Halloween where people wear weird costumes and there are different scary mazes to walk through.

Visit a pumpkin patch - I personally think this is more of an American tradition but I've seen more pumpkin patches here over the last couple of years. If you live near a pumpkin patch then you have to go and choose yourself a big old pumpkin or two to carve or decorate your house with.

Do some Halloween Baking - I bake some sort of Halloween treat every year, like skeleton gingerbread men or pumpkin spice cupcakes. This year I'm planning to bake some more gingerbread biscuits because I got an awesome new pumpkin shaped cookie cutter that I need to use.

Listen to a Halloween Playlist - I have a Halloween playlist that I listen to every October that features songs like Thriller, Monster Mash, Spooky Scary Skeletons and This is Halloween. You definitely need a good playlist if you're planning on having a Halloween bash, what better way to get into the spirit of Halloween.

See a firework display - With Halloween being so close to bonfire night, there are bound to be some people having a firework display before the end of the month. You can even throw your own spooky firework display if you have a big garden and want to add some pizzazz to your day.

Read a Book - I don't just mean any book, I mean a spooky book, like a murder thriller,

a book about ghosts, a Stephen King novel, and yes I suppose Harry Potter counts too. I'm currently in the midst of reading It by Stephen King.

Make a Halloween costume - This is a self explanatory thing, it's not Halloween unless you dress up. If you're ever stuck for ideas then Pinterest is the best place to search for ideas for costume inspiration, makeup ideas and on a budget accessories.

Get a Halloween tattoo - This may not be on everyone's list,but if you're a big fan of Halloween then you need to tick this off the list one year. Whether it be a little pumpkin, a portrait of a horror icon or a dancing skeleton, you should definitely get some spooky ink.

Have a Halloween photoshoot - You don't need a fancy camera or a makeup artist to have your own little scary photoshoot with your friends. You can get really creative with your costumes, props and location.

So there's the fourth Blogtober post of the month! I hope you enjoyed it and have some ideas for your own spooky season bucketlists, let me know if you've already crossed anything off. Remember to subscribe via email or follow my Instagram @Indierosepsycho to stay updated on upcoming Blogtober posts.

India X


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