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My Top 10 Songs of 2018

My annual top 10 songs of the year is here! For the last couple of years I have blogged about my top 10 songs of the year, giving you all a glimpse into my taste in music and which songs I have been obsessing over. My music taste really varies, but it usually a mix of rock music with a few pop songs thrown in there; click here if you wanna check out my list of top 10 songs for 2017. Without further ado, here is the list of my top 10 songs of 2018, including a few honourable mentions that didn't quite make it onto the top 10 but were still pretty good tunes.

My queen, Avril Lavigne, is finally releasing a new album after five years of waiting. She was diagnosed with Lyme disease in 2014 and had a long struggle, but she's finally back and she is better than ever. Her new albums first single 'Head Above Water' is a beautiful song about how Avril accepted that she was going to die and that she felt as if she was underwater and prayed to God to keep her above water. It's a stunningly beautiful and emotional song, it is definitely worth a listen.

My babes came back this year with another amazing tune released this summer called 'Birthday', and it is such a summer bop. This awesome pop punk track has both old and new elements of All Time Low, which combined sounds like a classic, energetic and head bopping All Time Low track. I'm very excited to see what other track release in the new year and I hope their as good as this track.

Arctic Monkeys released a new album after five years called 'Tranquility Base Hotel and Casino' (click here to check out my song by song review of the album). While the album was very different to anything else they've released, with a few songs that I found quite dull and boring, favourite song from it by far was 'Four Out Of Five', which sounded the most similar to their older stuff which I love.

Shawn Mendes is one of the more unusual artists I listen to, considering about 90% of my playlists consist of rock or alternative music, But I adore Shawn Mendes and his music. He has released a bunch of amazing songs this year but 'Lost In Japan' has definitely been my favourite; I always find myself having it stuck in my head and craving listening to it, something that happens whenever I hear a really cool, catchy song.

Alt rock band, Twenty One Pilots, released their fourth studio album this year called 'Trench' , including the awesome track, Nico and the Niners. which out of the 14 tracks is definitely my favourite. This track is more of a throwback to older TOP songs, while some of the others had a newer, different sound for the band. I'm excited to see Twenty One Pilots in March and hear them play this song, and all my other favourites, live.

This year, Andy Biersack of Black Veil Brides, AKA Andy Black, covered this iconic song originally performed by Frank Sinatra and of course later covered by Sid Vicious, with whom Andy drew inspiration from. I really, really love his cover of this song, it's been another one of them songs hat has made it onto a lot of my playlists and is often being played on repeat.

Another Arctic Monkeys song has made the Top 10, but this one isn't from their new album, but was actually released as a B-side for the single 'Why'd You Only Call Me When You're High' from the 2013 album 'AM'. I had only just discovered this absolutely amazing tune in January this year and has made it onto most of my playlists this year. This song is seductive, sexy and romantic, it's also addictive so be careful if you give it a listen, you may have to play it again, and then again a few more times.

Fall Out Boy's seventh album 'M A N I A' was released in January along with four singles. It was actually hard for me to decide which song would make my top 10; it was between, this one and another single called 'Hold Me Tight Or Don't'. Both songs were great but I settled for 'The Last Of The Real Ones' being my favourite out of the two. It's upbeat, it's twisted and the music video is pretty messed up, everything that makes a good FOB song in my opinion.

Another cover song has made my top 10; this time it's a cover of Green Days song 'Longview' by my faves All Time Low. I'm a fan of the original and obviously it's a classic Green Day song that some day shouldn't be messed with, but I think ATL did a great job at covering it. It doesn't sound too dissimilar to the original but there are moments where they have put their own new pop punk twist on the track, which I really enjoy. I was surprised to see that this song has made my top 5 most listened to song on Spotify, as I hadn't realised that I had listened to it to much.

Not an Arctic Monkeys song this time but an Alex Turner tune, which he wrote for the soundtrack of the 2010 movie 'Submarine', which I rewatched this spring and I became obsessed with the awesome soundtrack. All of the songs written for this movie were beautiful and incredibly well written, but 'Stuck On The Puzzle' stood out for me the most; it's a sort of dark song that fits really well with the mood of the movie, with beautiful imagery thanks to Alex's song writing skills. This happens to be the only slow ballad that has made it onto this years top 10 list.

Honourable Mentions

Here are nine more songs that didn't quite make it onto my top 10 but still deserve a mention because they're still amazing tunes, just not as amazing as the ten songs above.

So there ya go, the 10 songs that I've loved the most over the last 12 months. Leave me a comment with your favourite songs of 2018. I hope you all have a fabulous Christmas and a happy New Years.

India X

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