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Product Empties #4 - Would I Repurchase?

In less than two months I'll be moving out of my huge room I've been living while at university and will have no move back into my bedroom at home, which is significantly smaller that the ones I'm in now. Since I'm gonna have less space I've been trying to downsize my belongings, including all of my beauty products, so that I don't have tp pack an unnecessary amount of beauty products when I move out. There's no point in using up a bunch of products without writing a blog post about it, so here are my recently used up beauty bits.

The Body Shop Soothing Aloe Day Cream - This moisturiser has been so good to my skin since I started using it and I'm quite sad that I've used it all up. A great moisturiser that gentle and soothing on dry and irritated skin, I'll more than likely be purchasing some more of this aloe vera face cream.

Primark Adorable Fragrance - I bought this Primark fragrance from Primark about 3 years ago and while it's a really small bottle, I only just managed to finish it all. It's a fruity and sweet fragrance (my favourite scent) that I usually throw in my handbag so I can spritz myself up during the day.

Malibu Strawberry Lip Balm - At the beginning of the year I had about 9 lip balms on the go and now I've managed to get it down to 4 as I've been trying to use all the ends up, because no one really needs 9 lip balms. This Malibu strawberry lip balm contains SPF 30 so it's great for the summer to keep your lips protected. I would for sure buy more Malibu lip balms; I definitely want to try the mint flavoured one.

Batiste Pink Pineapple Dry Shampoo - I go through so dry shampoo because I just cannot be bothered to wash my hair everyday and my roots tend to get greasy after a day, so dry shampoo is my saviour. This Pink Pineapple one has a nice fruity smell and as always makes my hair look presentable most days. I'd obviously buy Batiste dry shampoo again, not just because I want to but because I need to.

The Body Shop Amazonian Lily Shower Gel - I own way too many shower gels, I'm just one person and there's no way I need 10+ shower gels in my cupboard, so I'm trying to use a bunch of them up, and the first shower gel I emptied was this amazonian lily shower gel from The Body Shop. It smells amazing, really fresh and sweet, I would consider buying this again in the future.

Natural Collection Raspberry Moisture Lip Colour - I've had this lippy for donkeys years and it recently got all the way down to the base, but it was probably about time it reached the end anyway. It's so old that I don;t think Natural Collection even make this exact lipstick anymore, but I'd settle for a similar shade as the lipstick itself if pretty good.

Sanctuary Spa Foaming Micellar Cleansing Water - I quite like this foaming micellar water, it does the job and it smells pretty nice too. The reason why I wouldn't repurchase this is because it always leaves my skin feeling a little sticky afterwards, and I have so many other micellar waters that don;t do this so I think I'll stick to using them instead.

Expect another one of these posts soon as I use up more of my beauty goodies before moving back to Margate. Have you tried any of these products before? Let me know in the comments.

India X


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