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How I'm Getting On With Blogtober & October Update

Hello all and welcome back to my blog. I'm now 14 days into Blogtober and I've managed to post a new blog post everyday but one (and my very reasonable excuse is that I was busy all day graduating) and it feels good to be writing new content each day and getting it up. I think it's proving to myself that I can get things done quickly and that I really don't need to procrastinate when it comes to writing new blog content. I am still struggling with getting content written and ready in time, and I've had to scrap a few ideas and quickly come up with some new ones so I've had something new to post each day. I still have 17 days of Blogtober left and I'm feeling pretty confident that I can get everything written, photographed and posted in time, I may need to take a couple days break from any social life I have to write up a bunch of posts and shoot some photos, just to make the next couple of weeks a bit easier. I have a lot of Halloween content coming your way, like another makeup look, pumpkin carving ideas, and last minute costume ideas, so make sure to check back in here so to not miss those posts.

My October so far hasn't been filled with as many exciting things so far as I'd like; I did get to graduate with my amazing uni buddies (click here for My Graduation Day blog post) which so far is the best thing that's happened this month. This past weekend I went to see Joker at the cinema with my family, which I thought was so brilliant and dark and messed up (review will be up on my blog tomorrow) and thought it was brilliant, dark and quite messed up. I have done some spooky activities like baked some pumpkin shaped gingerbread (blog post on that coming soon) practiced some Halloween makeup, like my Pennywise inspired look (click here to see that post if you haven't already) and I've bought some accessories and props for this years Halloween costume. I do have some more exciting events planned for the rest of the month though, like going to a local Halloween event called Screamland, and I'm trying to plan to go to an Alice in Wonderland themed afternoon tea for my birthday. I also want to go to the cinema a couple more times before the end of the month to see the new The Addams Family movie and Zombieland: Double Tap, so hopefully I'll be able to make some plans with friends to see them movies.

Of course I've written a lot of blog content this month too, but it's hard keeping motivation levels up all the time. Like today for example, I just feel like I cannot be bothered to finish writing this blog post or shoot any photos for it, so I start thinking why should I if I don't want to? But I know i'll be disappointed in myself if I miss another day of Blogtober just because I was having an off day, so I'm forcing myself to write, but fear it wont be a very good post to read because I'll end up rambling just to get the page filled (pretty much what is happening at the moment). So my motivation is all over the place right now, and I feel overly stressed about nothing in particular and I just want to stay motivated and organised and feeling creative and inspired. I am feeling confident about the posts I have planned though, I just need enough time to get them written and perfected with some amazing photos to go with them, so I'm not completely giving up with Blogtober just yet.

How are all of your Octobers going to far? Have you got any exciting things planned for Halloween this year? Let me know in the comments below and leave me some inspirational and motivation quotes to help me through the rest of Blogtober. Do make sure to check back in here tomorrow for another blog post.

India X

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